
Janice Fried Is Taking the New Year As It Comes

Jan 14, 2019

“I surrender, Que será será.”

Janice Fried welcomes the new year with a powerful illustration and a most relatable message. “It is very hard to watch people you love keep falling down; you have to keep reminding yourself that you can’t be the one to get them up. They have to stand up on their own. You can love them, stay close and encourage but that’s all you can do.”

For Janice, this year will be all about surrendering, but not in the way some people might take it. She says: “Surrender can seem like giving up but for me, it’s more like acceptance of a situation in which I have no control. Wave the white flag and then wrap myself in it. Cease resistance.”

Her full blog post can be found in the link below.

Copyright Janice Fried