
NBC6 Interviews the Kamper’s About “Redneck Bubble Boy” Series

Jun 04, 2020

Bubble Boy Beach Behind the Scenes from George Kamper on Vimeo.

“Our main goal was to create something fun that we could share with friends and hopefully illicit a smile” - George Kamper

As previously covered here on Altpick (click on the link below), George Kamper and his wife Sherryl are continuing their work on raising awareness around social distancing using humor as their main tool. Their collaborative photographic series, titled “Redneck Bubble Boy”, is not only making comments on staying away from the outside world but also throws a few jabs at things like the president’s remarks on using disinfectants to fight the virus.

Apart from having been shared with Kamper’s followers, the project also got the attention of NBC6, who decided to interview the couple on live TV. “I’m actually inside the bubble and not photoshopped in”, said George, explaining the process of shooting around their home. “The bubble has a big zipper that can only be accessed from the outside, so I can’t get in and out without her help... I run out of air in 15 minutes or so, and it gets very, very hot inside the bubble. I’m pushing the button on the shutter and running the camera remotely from inside the bubble.. Sherryl is art directing from outside the bubble, posing in some, and helping with the propping and styling.”

To see the "Interview" click on the link below.

Copyright ©George Kamper
Copyright ©George Kamper
Copyright ©George Kamper
Copyright ©George Kamper
Copyright ©George Kamper
Copyright ©George Kamper