
“Be Nice” by Anni Betts

Dec 02, 2021

A great reminder for just about anyone, Anni Betts’ latest “Be Nice” print is the perfect gift, whether it’s for somebody else or just for yourself. For Anni, the artwork was made as a reminder to be nice in times of stress or pressure, or when it’s just one of those days when we’re feeling tired and grouchy. “I know that I’m that way!”, says Anni. “But I find that if I remind myself that niceness is a goal, I can take a step back and be a little more patient and forgiving.“

Aside from the colorful lettering, the little animals drawn around it show a few different ways of being kind, from saying something with love, to giving someone a special treat, to getting along with someone that’s different from you. The print is currently sold on Anni’s Etsy shop and can be found in six different sizes.

Now go out and have a wonderful day, and don’t forget to Be Nice!

Copyright ©Anni Betts