
Lynne St Clare Exhibits at Hero Project in DC

Nov 10, 2022

Artist Lynne St Clare is grateful to be a part of the Hero Project and all of its supporters, including NBC News, anchor Aaron Gilchrist, and Art House NYC. The news segment will run next week on NBC.

In this photo Lynne St Clare Foster gives Fiana Paulette Garza Tulip the portrait of her mother Isabelle Papadimitriou, a respiratory therapist from Dallas, Texas.

Hero Art Project opens on the National Mall and Memorial Parks on Nov. 10th and runs thru the 28th on 12th Street in Washington D.C. daily from 11:00 am - 4:00 pm..

Come visit to honor the Healthcare Heroes and view the exhibition of portraits. Click on the Art House Instagram link below for more info.

Copyright ©Lynne St Clare Foster
Copyright ©Lynne St Clare Foster
Copyright ©Lynne St Clare Foster