
Rich Tu launches Pozzle on iTunes

Aug 10, 2011

Rich Tu has teamed up with Charles Jamerlan (who helped develop Pantone's myPANTONE app) to create Pozzle, an event-based social networking app.

Check it out now!

Pozzle is the FREE app that brings your digital network back to the real world! Use Pozzle to create events, invite friends, and give them rewards for showing up! Set up a time, location, and a reward (it can be anything, from "free hugs", to "movie tickets", to "a new car!") and then invite everyone! In order to complete a Pozzle Event, the participants just connect at the event location by bumping phones, earning points along the way. As Pozzle Events are completed, rewards (designated by Event Authors) are unlocked and awards are given to participants! You can create events as well as join them.