
Bunting Shares Insights Into Creating Artful Sports Photography

Nov 30, 2022

My photography of athletes is best captured by the form they create and how my lighting can accentuate it. -- Blair Bunting

How do you shoot sports photography with someone who is mainly a model and not a professional athlete? How do you capture said model mid-motion while keeping your image crisp and well-lit without motion blur? Blair Bunting goes deep into these topics in his excellent blog post titled “Photographing Sports As Art”, which describes a recent shoot for a sports drink. Though lighting plays a big role, certain mannerisms of the subject are just as important to sell the idea of a professional athlete, and Blair’s prior experience with the latter helped “coach” (no pun intended by Blair or by us) the model into finding the right ones.

You can read the full article, as well as Blair’s other recent entry about photographing Football players, in the links below.

Copyright ©Blair Bunting
Copyright ©Blair Bunting
Copyright ©Blair Bunting