
Puschmann Gives “Weather Variations” to Car Shoot

Jan 08, 2024

Just in time for Christmas, photographer Simon Puschmann shared a very fitting winter photo from a recent car-shoot in Spain. Or was it in Spain? Well, according to Simon, the shoot did take place in Spain, “but the weather kept changing, or did it?” Confusing? In reality, Simon worked in collaboration with Silver Grapes in Berlin, who in turn used both AI and some skillful post-production to give his subjects some very realistic weather variations.

At least it wasn’t as cold as it looked! Or was it…?

Copyright ©Simon Puschmann
Copyright ©Simon Puschmann
Copyright ©Simon Puschmann
Copyright ©Simon Puschmann
Copyright ©Simon Puschmann
Copyright ©Simon Puschmann
Copyright ©Simon Puschmann
Copyright ©Simon Puschmann