
Richard Borge's "ART IS!"

Dec 05, 2019

Illustrator Richard Borge collaborated with Gail Anderson on the ”ART IS!” SVA subway poster, which explores how art is about play, imagination, and passion.

With the School of Visual Arts “ART IS!” series, the artist is asked to interpret what “art is!” means to them. The parameters were very open, and they had responded well to Richard's style in which he make toys. Gail Anderson (creative director) just wanted him to do his thing, and was very supportive of everything Richard brought in. "To me, art can include play and exploration, which was the basis for the series." Richard continues to say, "We created one large poster for the NYC Subway and a series of 3 animations for the LinkNYC animated kiosks on the street level around NYC. I’m honored to be on the list of artists who have created these posters over the years".

Keep an eye out for the 3 animations on the street level LinkNYC kiosks that went live Dec 2.

Copyright ©Richard Borge
Copyright ©Richard Borge