
Dahl Taylor :: Samuel Adams

Aug 28, 2012

Mendola Artists Representative recently worked with their good friends at Boston Beer. Their in-house creative team has transformed the package design for some of the USA’s finest domestic brews, and Mendola Artists and Dahl Taylor feel extremely fortunate to be a part of the collaboration.

Boston Beer has produced a limited edition Samuel Adams IPA Hop-logy variety pack containing an assortment of beers adorned with labels illustrated by Dahl Taylor. For Dahl, this mix pack is the culmination of an ongoing project and it was exciting to see how well the labels coordinate. Dahl combines his eclectic style, a dash of humor and exceptional drawing skills, giving each bottle the appearance of a relic. Coincidentally, the case for the pack was hand-drawn in chalk by Bernard Maisner, an artist from their affiliate, Gerald & Cullen Rapp.

Copyright 2012 Dahl Taylor
Copyright 2012 Dahl Taylor
Copyright 2012 Dahl Taylor